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VRARC Repeater Info

147.195 MHz
PL tone 151.4Hz

The Vermilion Range Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL-affiliated Amateur Radio Club for Ely, Tower, Babbitt, and surrounding areas. The club coined its name from the Vermilion Range area. The Vermilion iron range contains rich iron ore deposits between Ely and Tower. Our club's callsign is KØVRC.



While keeping the hobby alive in the area we also strive to help in times of need by providing emergency communication.


Our club consists of members active in RACES, ARES, SKYWARN, APRS, DXing, amateur satellites, digital modes, and many other aspects of the hobby.


We are always happy to help anyone interested in learning about Amateur Radio. Many of our members are Amateur Radio Volunteer Examiners affiliated with both the ARRL and Laurel VECs. We administer all classes of amateur exams, scheduled by request, and at no charge to examinees.  



If you are an amateur radio operator or are interested in getting involved in the hobby, we invite you to visit us.


The club meets each Saturday at 9:00 AM

1st Saturday of each month at:

Grand Ely Lodge - Main Dinning Room 
(ask for the Radio Group)

 400 N. Pioneer Rd,  Ely, MN

All other Saturdays at:
Sheridan St Delicatessen
343 Sheridan St, Ely, MN


**Check our Facebook page for updates or changes

Vermilion Range ARC, Ely, Minnesota

© 2018 VRARC

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